Edición: Editorial UCA
Año: 2016
Nº de páginas: 197
ISBN: 978-84-9828-573-4
Precio: 25 €
Idiomas: Castellano, Inglés.
El ejemplar al cual dedicamos a continuación nuestras próximas líneas, es un libro editado en octubre de 2016 que, debido a la gran importancia a nivel nacional e internacional que tienen los descubrimientos arqueológicos que se muestran en el mismo, es obligado detenernos en él. Así pues, el sello Editorial UCA publica con esta monografía, el resultado de unos hallazgos excepcionales, como van a ser unas nuevas termas en un emplazamiento periurbano de Baelo Claudia, y el singular descubrimiento en las mismas de una copia romana del Doríforo, del escultor griego Policleto. Esta obra, es la quinta monografía que ve la luz de los distintos trabajos provenientes del Proyecto General de Investigación, autorizado por la Junta de Andalucía, titulado “La Economía Marítima y las actividades haliéuticas en Baelo Claudia”, aprobado en el año 2010. Las primeras cuatro monografías fueron dedicadas a los investigadores Bonsor y Santaolalla, a la familia Otero y al Garum, respectivamente.
Los editores científicos de este trabajo son Darío Bernal Casasola, profesor titular de arqueología de la Universidad de Cádiz; José Juan Díaz Rodríguez, profesor de la Universidad de Cádiz; Ángel Muñoz Vicente, director del Conjunto Arqueológico Baelo Claudia y José Ángel Expósito Álvarez, arqueólogo del Conjunto Arqueológico Baelo Claudia.
Además de ser un trabajo de colaboración entre profesionales de distintas entidades y ámbitos, es importante apuntar el esfuerzo conjunto entre administraciones para el óptimo resultado de todo el proceso de intervención, desde las prospecciones hasta la puesta en valor final. Así, Junta de Andalucía, Conjunto Arqueológico Baelo Claudia, Universidad de Cádiz, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, CEI•MAR e Instituto Catalán de Arqueología Clásica, han participado activamente en dar forma a esta completa obra, que además nos llega en formato bilingüe, castellano-inglés. La publicación está estructurada en cinco capítulos en los que diferenciamos dos bloques temáticos, por un lado, encontramos el estudio de las nuevas termas aparecidas en Baelo, de su arquitectura y fases de ocupación, así como del contexto arqueológico de la escultura hallada; y por otro lado, en los tres capítulos siguientes, se hace un examen pormenorizado de la misma, donde va a ser estudiada desde el punto de vista artístico, iconográfico, geológico (junto a otros elementos pétreos de las termas), y de conservación.
Uno de los datos a tener en cuenta para poder hacernos una idea del gran valor de este trabajo, es que seis años antes de esta publicación, todavía no se poseía ninguna constancia de la existencia de otras termas marítimas en Baelo Claudia. Además, en poco tiempo, no sólo se pondrían en valor y se conocería tanta información de las mismas, sino que también, una escultura de relevancia internacional vería la luz en el mismo emplazamiento, siendo ya, a día de hoy, disfrutada por multitud de visitantes en el Conjunto Arqueológico de Baelo Claudia.
Va a ser en el año 2010 cuando se realice una prospección geofísica mediante georadar para arrojar información sobre la zona situada en el extremo suroccidental del yacimiento y de, concretamente, un edificio del cual se apreciaban sus restos en la superficie, ubicado en un pequeño promontorio, y sobre el que se había planteado la hipótesis de que pudiera ser un faro. Sin embargo, los datos determinaron que los arqueólogos se hallaban ante un complejo de grandes dimensiones, que supera la hectárea de extensión y que constataría la primera aglomeración suburbana de Baelo, fruto, según los investigadores, de un momento de esplendor y necesidad de expansión fuera de la muralla de la ciudad. Fue en las campañas arqueológicas realizadas durante los años 2011 y 2013 cuando se determinó que el edificio que se encontraba en dicho emplazamiento pertenecía a un complejo termal que, por sus dimensiones, se piensa que pueden llegar a ser mayores que las existentes en el término urbano de Baelo. El estudio de estas Termas Marítimas, llamadas así por su proximidad al mar, han sido estudiadas en todas sus fases de ocupación, desde el S. II d. C., hasta inicio del s. XX, lo cual genera una completa información a través de más de dos mil años de historia. En la publicación, se hace un recorrido que va desde el complejo termal romano, hasta la reutilización en época contemporánea del mismo como viviendas de pescadores, a través de un completísimo estudio en 6 fases de ocupación del lugar.
El descubrimiento de la escultura aparecida en el edificio balneario, concretamente en la gran piscina o natatio, de más de 40m2, que comprende el torso y pie de lo que se identificó como una copia romana del Doríforo, atribuido al escultor griego Policleto, ha llevado, por su singularidad, a una amplia investigación para llegar a dicha conclusión que se desarrolla en los tres últimos capítulos de la publicación.
Por una parte, Darío Bernal Casasola, José Juan Díaz Rodríguez y José Ángel Expósito Álvarez son los encargados de detallar el contexto arqueológico en el cual aparece la escultura; por otra, Isabel Rodà de LLanza, de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, es la especialista que desarrollará el estudio iconográfico de la pieza, así como será también una de las responsables del capítulo dedicado a la arqueometría de los elementos lapídeos de las termas, un detallado estudio pétreo realizado junto a Aureli Àlvarez Pérez, del Instituto Catalán de Arqueología Clásica, Anna Gutiérrez García-M, de la Universidad de Bordeaux Montaigne y Hernando Royo Plumed, del Instituto Catalán de Arqueología Clásica. Es de sumo interés este estudio de materiales, no sólo por la utilización de diversos tipos de análisis, sino por la información que arrojan sobre la funcionalidad de los mismos, dependiendo de su morfología y procedencia. El último capítulo de la obra está dedicado a la intervención de conservación del Doríforo, llevada a cabo por la restauradora del Conjunto Arqueológico de Baelo Claudia, María Luisa Millán Salgado. Un trabajo fundamental que está ampliamente detallado en todas sus fases, desde el estudio inicial de su estado, pasando por los tratamientos de limpieza y consolidación, hasta la integración de la figura en el montaje expositivo del Conjunto Arqueológico de Baelo Claudia, para su exhibición al visitante.
La catedrática Rodà de LLanza, una de las mayores especialistas en escultura romana de nuestro país, hace un detallado estudio de todos los fragmentos de la pieza, destacando la gran calidad artística del conjunto. La aparición además de una punta de lanza, realizada en hierro, en la piscina, no deja lugar a dudas para la misma de que nos hallamos ante una copia del “portador de lanza” creado por Policleto. Estaríamos por tanto ante la primera copia del Doríforo griego, documentada hasta el momento en Hispania. En esta monografía se ha determinado que se trataba de una pieza elaborada con el mármol de gran calidad de la isla de Paros, que constituía la cantera más prestigiosa del mundo antiguo. El uso de las escultura como elemento decorativo se establece que pudo ser desde el siglo II d. C. hasta el s. V d. C., momento en el que se retira de su hornacina. Esto hace reflexionar a los investigadores sobre un momento de esplendor de la ciudad. Por último, comentar que la escultura encontrada comprende un 65% del total de la misma. El torso está fragmentado a la altura de la base del cuello, no habiendo aun aparecido la cabeza, previendo así su hallazgo en próximas intervenciones en el entorno cercano.
Queda para finalizar, hacer hincapié en la importancia como instrumento que supone esta monografía para excavaciones venideras e investigaciones futuras, así como pieza para el deleite y el conocimiento de lo que supuso la privilegiada y sorprendente ciudad romana de Baelo Claudia.
The issue to which we dedicate our next lines, a book published in October 2016, requires a mandatory stop due to the great importance nationwide and internationally that the archaeological discoveries shown in it have. Thus, the Editorial UCA imprint publishes with this monograph the result of some exceptional findings, as will be some new baths located in the suburbs of Baelo Claudia, and the unique discovery within them of a Roman copy of the Doriphoros, from the Greek sculptor Polykleitos. This work, is the fifth monograph that comes out from the different works arisen from the General Research Project, authorized by the Andalusian Government, entitled as "La Economía Marítima y las actividades haliéuticas en Baelo Claudia” (The Maritime Economy and the fishing activities in Baelo Claudia), approved in 2010. The first four monographs were dedicated to researchers Bonsor and Santaolalla, the Otero family and the Garum, respectively.
The scientific editors of this work are Darío Bernal Casasola, tenured lecturer of archeology at the University of Cadiz; José Juan Díaz Rodríguez, lecturer of the University of Cadiz; Ángel Muñoz Vicente, director of the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia and José Ángel Expósito Álvarez, archaeologist of the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia.
In addition to being a collaborative work between professionals from different entities and areas, it is important to point out the joint effort between administrations for the optimal result of the whole intervention process, from the prospecting up to the final valuation. Thus, Junta de Andalucía, Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia, University of Cadiz, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, CEI·MAR and the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology have actively participated in shaping this complete work, which is also available in bilingual format, Spanish-English. The publication is structured in five chapters where two thematic blocks can be differentiated, on one hand we find the study of the new thermal baths appeared in Baelo, of its architecture and occupation phases, as well as the archaeological context of the sculpture found; and on the other hand, within the next three chapters, a detailed examination of the sculpture is performed, where it will be studied from an artistic, iconographic, geological and conservation point of view.
An important piece of information to be taken into account in order to get an idea of the great value of this work, is that six years before this publication, there was still no record of the existence of other maritime thermal baths in Baelo Claudia. Moreover, in such a short time, not only they could be put in value and know so much information about them, but also, that a sculpture of international relevance would see the light in the same place, being already, to this day, enjoyed by many visitors in the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia.
It will be in 2010 when a geophysical survey will be carried out by means of ground-penetrating radar to provide information on the area located at the southwestern end of the site and, in particular, from a building whose remains where appreciable on the surface, located on a small promontory, and on which the hypothesis of being a lighthouse was considered. However, the results determined that the archaeologists were facing a large size group of buildings, which exceeds the hectare of extension and that would confirm the first suburb agglomeration of Baelo, product, according to the researchers, of a moment of splendor and need for expansion outside of the city wall. It was in the archaeological campaigns carried out during the years 2011 and 2013 when it was determined that the building that was in the aforementioned location belonged to a thermal complex that, due to its dimensions, is thought that could be bigger than those existing in the urban district of Baelo. The study of these Maritime Thermal Baths, named in such way due to their proximity to the sea, has been performed in all their occupation phases, since the IInd century A.D., until the beginning of the XXth century, which generates a complete information through over more than two thousand years of history. In the publication, the place occupation is analyzed through an extremely complete 6 phase study, performing a tour that goes from the Roman thermal complex up to the reuse in contemporary times of it as fishermen houses.
The discovery of the sculpture appeared in the spa, specifically in the large pool or natatio of more than 40m2, comprising the torso and foot of what was identified as a Roman copy of the Doriphoros, attributed to the Greek sculptor Polykleitos, has led, due to its uniqueness, to an extensive research that reaches to that conclusion which is developed in the last three chapters of the publication.
On one side, Darío Bernal Casasola, José Juan Díaz Rodríguez and José Ángel Expósito Álvarez are in charge of detailing the archaeological context in which the sculpture appears; on the other side, Isabel Rodà de LLanza, from the Autonoma University of Barcelona, is the specialist who will develop the iconographic study of the piece, as well as one of those responsible for the chapter dedicated to the archaeometry of the stony elements of the baths, a detailed stone study performed together with Aureli Àlvarez Pérez, from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology, Anna Gutiérrez García-M, from the University of Bordeaux Montaigne and Hernando Royo Plumed, from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology. The analysis of these materials generates great interest, not only for the use of different types of analysis, but also for the information they provide about their functionality, depending on their morphology and origin. The last chapter of the work is dedicated to the intervention of conservation of the Doriphoros, performed by the restorer of the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia, Maria Luisa Millán Salgado. A fundamental work extensively detailed in all its phases, from the initial study of its state, through the cleaning and consolidation treatments, up to the integration of the figure in the exhibition assembly of the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia, for its exhibition to the visitor.
Professor Rodà de Llanza, one of the greatest specialists in Roman sculpture in our country, makes a detailed study of all fragments of the piece, highlighting the great artistic quality of the site. The appearance of a spearhead, made of iron, inside the pool, leaves no room for doubt that we are facing a copy of the "spear carrier" created by Polykleitos. We would therefore be before the first copy of the Greek Doriphoros, documented so far in Hispania. In this monograph it has been determined that it was a piece made with the great quality marble of the island of Paros, which constituted the most prestigious quarry in the ancient world. The use of sculptures as a decorative element is established that could be from the IInd century A.D. until the Vth century A.D., moment at which it withdraws from its alcove. This makes the researchers think about a moment of splendor of the city. Finally, it must be commented that the sculpture found comprises 65% of the total. The torso is fragmented at the level of the base of the neck, yet not appearing the head, thus predicting its finding in forthcoming interventions in the nearby environment.
As a final point, it must be emphasized the importance as an instrument that supposes this monograph for forthcoming excavations and future researches, as well as piece for the delight and knowledge of what was the privileged and surprising Roman city of Baelo Claudia.
The scientific editors of this work are Darío Bernal Casasola, tenured lecturer of archeology at the University of Cadiz; José Juan Díaz Rodríguez, lecturer of the University of Cadiz; Ángel Muñoz Vicente, director of the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia and José Ángel Expósito Álvarez, archaeologist of the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia.
In addition to being a collaborative work between professionals from different entities and areas, it is important to point out the joint effort between administrations for the optimal result of the whole intervention process, from the prospecting up to the final valuation. Thus, Junta de Andalucía, Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia, University of Cadiz, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, CEI·MAR and the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology have actively participated in shaping this complete work, which is also available in bilingual format, Spanish-English. The publication is structured in five chapters where two thematic blocks can be differentiated, on one hand we find the study of the new thermal baths appeared in Baelo, of its architecture and occupation phases, as well as the archaeological context of the sculpture found; and on the other hand, within the next three chapters, a detailed examination of the sculpture is performed, where it will be studied from an artistic, iconographic, geological and conservation point of view.
An important piece of information to be taken into account in order to get an idea of the great value of this work, is that six years before this publication, there was still no record of the existence of other maritime thermal baths in Baelo Claudia. Moreover, in such a short time, not only they could be put in value and know so much information about them, but also, that a sculpture of international relevance would see the light in the same place, being already, to this day, enjoyed by many visitors in the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia.
It will be in 2010 when a geophysical survey will be carried out by means of ground-penetrating radar to provide information on the area located at the southwestern end of the site and, in particular, from a building whose remains where appreciable on the surface, located on a small promontory, and on which the hypothesis of being a lighthouse was considered. However, the results determined that the archaeologists were facing a large size group of buildings, which exceeds the hectare of extension and that would confirm the first suburb agglomeration of Baelo, product, according to the researchers, of a moment of splendor and need for expansion outside of the city wall. It was in the archaeological campaigns carried out during the years 2011 and 2013 when it was determined that the building that was in the aforementioned location belonged to a thermal complex that, due to its dimensions, is thought that could be bigger than those existing in the urban district of Baelo. The study of these Maritime Thermal Baths, named in such way due to their proximity to the sea, has been performed in all their occupation phases, since the IInd century A.D., until the beginning of the XXth century, which generates a complete information through over more than two thousand years of history. In the publication, the place occupation is analyzed through an extremely complete 6 phase study, performing a tour that goes from the Roman thermal complex up to the reuse in contemporary times of it as fishermen houses.
The discovery of the sculpture appeared in the spa, specifically in the large pool or natatio of more than 40m2, comprising the torso and foot of what was identified as a Roman copy of the Doriphoros, attributed to the Greek sculptor Polykleitos, has led, due to its uniqueness, to an extensive research that reaches to that conclusion which is developed in the last three chapters of the publication.
On one side, Darío Bernal Casasola, José Juan Díaz Rodríguez and José Ángel Expósito Álvarez are in charge of detailing the archaeological context in which the sculpture appears; on the other side, Isabel Rodà de LLanza, from the Autonoma University of Barcelona, is the specialist who will develop the iconographic study of the piece, as well as one of those responsible for the chapter dedicated to the archaeometry of the stony elements of the baths, a detailed stone study performed together with Aureli Àlvarez Pérez, from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology, Anna Gutiérrez García-M, from the University of Bordeaux Montaigne and Hernando Royo Plumed, from the Catalan Institute of Classical Archeology. The analysis of these materials generates great interest, not only for the use of different types of analysis, but also for the information they provide about their functionality, depending on their morphology and origin. The last chapter of the work is dedicated to the intervention of conservation of the Doriphoros, performed by the restorer of the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia, Maria Luisa Millán Salgado. A fundamental work extensively detailed in all its phases, from the initial study of its state, through the cleaning and consolidation treatments, up to the integration of the figure in the exhibition assembly of the Archaeological Site of Baelo Claudia, for its exhibition to the visitor.
Professor Rodà de Llanza, one of the greatest specialists in Roman sculpture in our country, makes a detailed study of all fragments of the piece, highlighting the great artistic quality of the site. The appearance of a spearhead, made of iron, inside the pool, leaves no room for doubt that we are facing a copy of the "spear carrier" created by Polykleitos. We would therefore be before the first copy of the Greek Doriphoros, documented so far in Hispania. In this monograph it has been determined that it was a piece made with the great quality marble of the island of Paros, which constituted the most prestigious quarry in the ancient world. The use of sculptures as a decorative element is established that could be from the IInd century A.D. until the Vth century A.D., moment at which it withdraws from its alcove. This makes the researchers think about a moment of splendor of the city. Finally, it must be commented that the sculpture found comprises 65% of the total. The torso is fragmented at the level of the base of the neck, yet not appearing the head, thus predicting its finding in forthcoming interventions in the nearby environment.
As a final point, it must be emphasized the importance as an instrument that supposes this monograph for forthcoming excavations and future researches, as well as piece for the delight and knowledge of what was the privileged and surprising Roman city of Baelo Claudia.
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